CPU : Core2 Quad Q8400 2.66GHz MB : ASUS P5KPL-AM EPU Memory : 2GB Chipset : IntelG31+ICH7 HDD : SATA II 160GB×1(システム用) SATA II 2TB×2(データ保管用1,2.rsyncによりミラーリング.) SATA II 1TB×1(一時ファイルや別PCのバックアップデータ) Sound Card : ONKYO SE-200PCI SATA Card : SATA3I2-PCIe CD drive : LG Electronics DVDRAM GSA-H62N OS : Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.7 lenny kernel : 2.6.26-2-686
CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 マザーボード: ASUS P8Z77-V メモリ: 8GB(DDR3-1600 4GBx2) チップセット: Intel Z77 HDD: SATA III 1TB×1(システム用) SATA III 3TB×1(データ保管用1) SATA III 4TB×1(データ保管用2) 電源: ANTEC EA-550-PLATINUM 80PLUS PLATINUM 認証電源 Sound Card : ONKYO SE-200PCI SATA Card : 型番不明だが後期では使っていた. CD drive: なし OS: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 lenny,またはDebian 6.0 squeeze kernel: 2.6.26または2.6.32
CPU: Intel Core-i5 13500 マザーボード: ASUS PRIME H770-PLUS D4 メモリ: 32GB(DDR4 3200 16GBx2) チップセット: Intel H770 HDD: SATA III 2TB×1(システム用) SATA III 14TB×1(データ保管用1) SATA III 16TB×1(データ保管用2) SSD: なし(仮想化の実験用に増設するかもしれません) 電源: ANTEC EA-550-PLATINUM 80PLUS PLATINUM 認証電源 CD drive: なし OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 Bookworm kernel: 6.1.0-16以降
Intel NUC OS: Rocky Linux 8.x
[[tex:[x^a x^b] = x^{ab}]] [[tex:m\dfrac{\text{d}^2x}{\text{d}t^2}=F]]ちなみに,\Largeコマンドを頭に置くと,下のように大きくなります.
# ●以下の「秘密の言葉」を必ず書き換えてください。 <$Secret_phrase = 'すきな文字列をここに書く'>5.上のディレクトリ全体について,持ち主をchownでwww-data:www-dataとしよう.
<Directory /var/www/adiary/memo> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +ExecCGI AllowOverride All Order allow,deny AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl allow from all </Directory>7.Apacheの再起動.
wget http://adiary.org/download/ver2/adiary-2.28a-utf8.tar.gz2.適当な場所に,tar -zxvf adiary-2.xx.tar.gzで展開
# ●以下の「秘密の言葉」を必ず書き換えてください。 <$Secret_phrase = 'すきな文字列をここに書く'>5.上のディレクトリ全体について,持ち主をchownでapache:apacheとしよう.
<Directory /var/www/adiary/memo> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +ExecCGI AllowOverride All Order allow,deny AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl allow from all </Directory>7.Apacheの再起動.
yum install ImageMagick yum install ImageMagick-perl
# dnf install git
# mkdir /var/www/html/adiary/ # cd /var/www/html/adiary/ # git clone https://github.com/nabe-abk/adiary
# cp /var/www/html/adiary/adiary.conf.cgi.sample /var/www/html/adiary/adiary.conf.cgi
# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/adiary
<Directory /var/www/html/adiary> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +ExecCGI AllowOverride All Order allow,deny AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl allow from all </Directory>
# dnf install ImageMagick # dnf install ImageMagick-perl # dnf install perl-Net-SSLeay # dnf install perl-CryptX
# systemctl restart httpd
# cd /var/www/html/adiary
chown -R root:root .
# git pull
[root@server adiary]# git pull remote: Enumerating objects: 1703, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (1703/1703), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (578/578), done. remote: Total 1703 (delta 1122), reused 1671 (delta 1090), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (1703/1703), 1.16 MiB | 11.61 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1122/1122), completed with 159 local objects. From https://github.com/nabe-abk/adiary aad1446f..61bb9b81 master -> origin/master f6b683c4..9bd6a280 develop -> origin/develop * [new tag] Ver3.50j -> Ver3.50j * [new tag] v3.50 -> v3.50 * [new tag] Ver3.50i -> Ver3.50i * [new tag] v3.40d -> v3.40d * [new tag] v3.50a -> v3.50a * [new tag] v3.50b -> v3.50b * [new tag] v3.50c -> v3.50c * [new tag] v3.50d -> v3.50d * [new tag] v3.50e -> v3.50e * [new tag] v3.50f -> v3.50f * [new tag] v3.50g -> v3.50g * [new tag] v3.50h -> v3.50h Updating aad1446f..61bb9b81 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: .gitignore adiary.conf.cgi.sample adiary.env.cgi.sample dot.htaccess js/adiary.min.js js/adiary.min.map ・ ・ ・ theme/satsuki2/nature-dark/nature-dark.js theme/satsuki2/nature-forest/nature-forest.js theme/satsuki2/nature-sky/nature-sky.js Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting [root@server adiary]3.40cから3.50jへは,リポジトリの整理か何かで整合性に問題がある様子*1.
[root@server adiary]# git stash -u Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: aad1446f Update: CHANGES.txt for Ver3.40c [root@server adiary]# git pull
# chown -R apache:apache .
# systemctl restart httpd